This is what official site explanation about the Zappos.
I’ve known this company brand since I read February Fortune magazine, the 100 best companies to work for, and Zappos got 23th ranked. The company founded in 1999, started with internet shoes retail store, and expended clothing and bags now.
Very interesting point of this company and I totally agree with the CEO’s idea is that about outsource company’s call center. He, CEO Tony Hsieh, think that call center is too important to be sent to India. The reason is that telemarketers are first line representation person of company. The Zappos telemarketers are not work from a script, and they are implored to use their imagination. I think, this is one of many points that make Zappos success. Now many companies outsourced their call center to other country such as India, for save some money. I think, that is a lose point for long run business.
Hsieh also doing blog and twitter as a communication method with his employees and customers. One example of using that technology for company is that, when he need to lay off staffs, he sent an e-mail, posted blogs and with twitter. Hsieh said that these had positive reaction to the way downsizing was handled, and most of leaving staff wrote directly to Hsieh.
Zappos use these blog and twitter not only promote to customer but also communicate with employees. I think, good communication between employees is the way to succeed and make best company to work for.
This is Zappos blog by T. Hsieh talk about the article from the Fotune. http://blogs.zappos.com/blogs/ceo-and-coo-blog/tags/fortune
Here is Twitter account: http://twitter.zappos.com/