Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Zappos, successful internet retail store

Free shipping BOTH ways, 365-day return policy, 24/7 customer service. Millions of men's shoes, women's shoes, girl's shoes, boy's shoes, handbags, men's clothing, women's clothing ...

This is what official site explanation about the Zappos.

I’ve known this company brand since I read February Fortune magazine, the 100 best companies to work for, and Zappos got 23th ranked. The company founded in 1999, started with internet shoes retail store, and expended clothing and bags now.

Very interesting point of this company and I totally agree with the CEO’s idea is that about outsource company’s call center. He, CEO Tony Hsieh, think that call center is too important to be sent to India. The reason is that telemarketers are first line representation person of company. The Zappos telemarketers are not work from a script, and they are implored to use their imagination. I think, this is one of many points that make Zappos success. Now many companies outsourced their call center to other country such as India, for save some money. I think, that is a lose point for long run business.

Hsieh also doing blog and twitter as a communication method with his employees and customers. One example of using that technology for company is that, when he need to lay off staffs, he sent an e-mail, posted blogs and with twitter. Hsieh said that these had positive reaction to the way downsizing was handled, and most of leaving staff wrote directly to Hsieh.

Zappos use these blog and twitter not only promote to customer but also communicate with employees. I think, good communication between employees is the way to succeed and make best company to work for.

This is Zappos blog by T. Hsieh talk about the article from the Fotune.

Here is Twitter account:

New search engine? Bing?

I’d heard about Microsoft new search engine ‘Bing’ from the last marketing class on Monday.

My professor told us about that, and he expects Bing will possibly have a great position in search engine market in couple years. When I heard about that I was “Really? Someone will beat with Google? Is it easy even though that is MS?” I am kind of curious and others look same as me.

So, I was googled Bing. There was Bing sponsored link came up at the first and Bing official page as well.

Microsoft said that Bing is a 'decision engine' and the explanation under Bing is this Live Search is evolving. Welcome to Bing. The sound of found. Get the inside scoop on Bing ...

I clicked and then bang.

The first impression of Bing is different. The opening page has colors, mouse over images and boxes which get pointers to searches related to image. It is really look creative and being live for me. Being different as well.

After I looked up the Bing, I’ve got couples impression.

First, Search information is feeling similar to Google for me. However, there is better thing of Bing is that Bing shows ‘related searches’ on the side.

Second, It is an Image. When I searched Beyonce’s image, the result is great. I can find the pictures easier way because it sorts by some tabs such as size, layout, color, style, and people. Besides ‘Relative people’ result following the images, this is what I like Bing.

Third, It is a shopping. I think, Bing has very good service for shopping as well. Moreover, Bing give you a $$, cash back to you.

Fourth, It is about travel. I searched fright fare from Chicago to Seoul, Korea. Bing gave me 130 results in a second. I don’t need to go and search many travel sites anymore. You can compare with other sites, Bing posts major travel web site banner on the side, so you just need to click them, and then you will get result from the sites. It is great and Bing even recommends you a better time to buy tickets.

I know, there are a lot of arguments about whose better on search engine.

So far, I like Bing in some way that I said before. Google is top now and Bing is just starts. We will see who is going to be the next top search engine.

Here is a video about Bing.

Introducing Bing - A Decision Engine from Microsoft

Monday, May 18, 2009

Sale my information for stupid reason

Do you play internet game? Have you ever sales your Information for some reason?

I did last week. I had sale the information for internet game money.

Now I am crazy about playing Restaurant City game in Facebook. It is a really really simple game that you sale the food and get money.

You just need to do all four things, 1. Feed your workers, 2. Decorate your restaurant, 3. Collect ingredients, 4. Set the menu and sale it.

When I start play this game, I just collecting money for feed my workers and decorate my restaurant. However, my friend’s restaurant is really look good compare with mine.

Then I asked to my friends about how to collect such a big money to get better their restaurant. The answer is that “Click the add coin Button”.

The button will take you some survey sites and give to you a five-ten minutes long survey include your information. Then they will give you $10,000 game money. I considered one night for selling my information, but finally I put my name and address etc etc…on their web for GAME money (It can’t convert to real money).

When I saw my money increased, I was happy. I decorated my restaurant right away. Buy a good table and chairs, wall papers, etc..I was so happy.

Two days later, I’ve gotten one call from someone who I don’t know. I answered then I figured out this call was a advertising, so hung up. After that I have been having couple times phone call a day from the same number that I assuming advertisement.

It is really annoying, but I can’t blame anyone. Because I sale my information by myself for my stupid greed, game money.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Struggle to get one Click

Google Adwords was exciting before starting, but after couple days it’s make me really hard.

I’ve done setting Google Adwords up for 10 days already, but I’ve got just one click in my campaign. Our group, e-challenge, start Adwords as an assignment and it was exciting. We researched what our client -dental clinic; concentrates, wants, differences with others and needs. We have chosen many keywords, and divided 5 focusing campaigns such as service, child care, language, location, and insurance.

After set up the Adwords, we’ve got just 20 clicks so far, only 11 keywords works and 55 got impressions out of 80. Our group discussed these situations and paused, bid up money amount, change keywords during last week. However, it was not shows us significant improvement.

I read many article about Adwords, How good and easy to use them, and it Google Adwords is the road to success....

Why not with us?
Does it have too many competitors? Our campaigns have problems?

I found some article which mention about how to success and avoiding common mistakes.

According to this article
Avoiding mistakes on Google Adwords, it’s tell us 15 common mistakes people do often. I think we did some mistakes.

1. Bidding on broad keywords: Many of our keywords are broad. For example, child dental care, it looks like generally people search for, but it has high competitors and has to bid high amount, but still less chance to get one click.

2. Boring content: our content might similar with others. We should bring creative and fresh campaign contents.

3. Directing users only to the home page: our campaigns landing only clients homepage. We should change each campaign going to land each service pages not just ‘home’ page. When people click our Adwords, we should show them what they looking forward to.

4. No keywords in the ad text: I recognize that we did not use out keywords in ad text. We definitely change it. In these reason, our Adwords located back pages than any others. We need to mention that we offer exactly what they want.

5. Not identifying the uniqueness of your product/service: We make our keywords generally such as family dental care, braces. It’s not unique at all. We have to create some unique point that makes us stand out from the competitors.

6. Not using company/brand name keywords: We use our client name as keywords. It does bring two problems. One, not much people search the company name as a keyword unless they are big enough. Two, It won’t show up in Google pages.

Those are our problem that I can think from the list, so far. Now I am finding out what happen to our Adwords, and definately share those ideas with our group.

Then, this week we will try hard to figuring out and improve our Adwords. We have to!!!

Hope to see some improvement in our Adwords, and I want to spend free (?) $200 from the Google!! :)


Monday, April 20, 2009

Booming @ Twitter


Last week in the MKT 595 class, I studied about Twitter, and professor show me a MKT595 address on Twitter. That time Twitter was just study object for me, because I am not much interested in social network sites include myspace, facebook etc. I have been not think, I will use that, and chat with people.

However, that night, I watched Jay Leno show, he and his guest Ellen were talking about only Twitter. How they started with that and how keep twitting. I have a little bit more interested in that, but still not much.

The next day, when I watched CNN, most of CNN program also was talking about Twitter, even Anderson Cooper and Larry King has Twitter account! -0-

Finally I heard very interest story from Ashton Kutcher ( If he will have millions of his follower, He will donate mosquito net for cure Malaria. Same day I watched a video clip from the Ashton Kutcher, he has had million followers and he shows us a check which he will donate.

So far, I joined Twitter. -_-;; I started finding out Ashton Kutcher first, Demi Moore, Larry King, and Ohrah for fun. Same time I need to figure out carefully which one is real person. Meanwhile I found something else. Many of company already have their account on twitter.

Moreover the celebrity not just talks fun stuff with their friend and fan, but also they advertise their shows, programs, and web sites. In consequence, we see and feel a lot of ads in their comments.

Many of celebrity join this and tell through the public, people like me join this and use. Okay, I agree that it is fun and fun. Even though Ashton Kutcher isn’t cofounder of Twitter, he did incredible job for Twitter nowadays. One more thing, He brought donation culture out from the fun toy. I can easily join some of donations and speak my voice out with some campaign.

It is a new fun toy!

PS. I am wondering why suddenly so popular Twitter and Susan Boyle. Only me think too weired? Why many TV program talking about these two thing too much!

Monday, April 13, 2009

AD isn't for anonymous anymore.

The marketing is going to be changed new way that more friendly and closely to anonymous customers. Marketing is not only TV commercials, newspapers, and billboards, but also individual customers, some group who recognized preference though Internet.

I am enjoying Facebook. There is a lot of internet marketing materials from the product companies or even from the fans. For example, Hershey's Chocolate in Facebook is a fan site of Hershey’s chocolate. I am also a fan of this site and share the new products and commercials with other fans. Good thing is that I am already fan of Hershey’s, but I have some product that I never tried before. In my case, some people, who I never knew before, he/ she comments that recommend some chocolate. Then I think, ‘oh I should try this.’

The other example is Ben and Jerry, Ice-cream Company, also do marketing in Facebook. It’s a little different from Hershey’s. This is actual advertisement and it’s give me a fun and my friends who play this. I can send many Ben & Jerry ice cream ( I can choose specific item from the pictures) to my friends as a gift. It isn’t charge any money from me, but it is fun gifts and I and my friends get used to their product. Moreover we knew that Ben & Jerry have ice cream sandwiches and yogurt type ice cream. After play these web site, when I went to grocery shopping, I looked at these items than others.

How about you?